About Me

My cat, Kombucha. He is a little disappointed that his humans can't play with him 24/7. He will occasionally settle for cuddles when we are working on other things.

I am a software developer currently living in the midwest with my husband and cat. I have a significant background in mathematics and classical algorithms, and a lot of my professional work reflects this. I’m also pretty familiar with artificial intelligence and machine learning, and while I wouldn’t consider myself an expert, I do have a reasonable understanding of how these things work under the hood. But I’m not really here to talk about my day job. Instead, this space is primarily for discussion about whatever side quest I happen to be on at any given time.

I like to collect hobbies and projects, and am easily distracted from my current endeavors by anything that is shiny and new. I’m hoping that writing about my current progress will help me stay excited and accountable to myself so that I actually maybe finish a project before completely abandoning it for the next cool thing. I’m also hoping that it will inspire me to be a little more self-reflective when I work on my projects, since I don’t tend to do that naturally. The idea is that if I think more critically about what I’m doing, I might actual improve a little bit more quickly.

My current interests revolve around drawing, music, and game design and development (both video games and traditional games).